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The Career Framework

Welcome to your Career Framework!

The Government Finance Function (GFF) Career Framework is an important workstream aligned to the functional strategy objective number 2 focused on People & Capability. The framework was launched in 2021 and has proven to be a significant milestone for career development, capability building and recruitment approach across the GFF. 

The Finance Career Framework is a vision for the future, not a reflection of the past, providing a set of standards to drive consistency and set expectations for people working across the function in different departments.  

The framework is designed for colleagues and defines the nine core job families across the GFF at all finance grades and also covers leadership for our most senior roles. Most people should be able to recognise their primary job family and we hope you can trace through your role & responsibilities, even if they have a different name, or made up of activities from across the different job families. 

It is a resource designed to be used by you by supporting your development conversations with your manager/mentor and your career planning within the GFF. It also provides benefits to teams, departments, and the function as a whole through practical applications across people, capability, development and recruitment. 

***NEW FOR 2024 - TAX JOB FAMILY ***

As part of the evolution of the GFF Career Framework, we have launched a NEW Job Family for Tax in collaboration with the Tax Centre of Excellence. Check out the new resources at Tax (

Two people having a conversation
A person looking at a laptop

The Finance Career Framework:

  • Provides a single, comprehensive view of the most common job families and activities within the function, to be used as a source of information to help you shape your finance career plans at any stage
  • Gives a clear and agreed cross-government definition of the core finance roles found in most departments and organisations to help guide consistent job design, recruitment and selection
  • Outlines the skills, experiences and qualifications needed to operate effectively in these roles, and links to relevant learning and development
  • Provides a baseline against which we can gain insight into people capability and measure progress at individual, team, department and function level 

The framework is developed with subject matter experts from across the GFF. It is tested by people from a cross section of departments and grades working in the roles and job families covered by the framework. We are enhancing the framework and the associated resources iteratively, focusing on the future of finance. 

From a practical perspective, the GFF Career Framework is used in recruitment, selection, job design and development activities across all departments (and ALBs, where applicable). All members of the GFF can access the resources via OneFinance, are aware of the product and how they can use the framework to their own benefit. 

We work collaboratively with each department to shape an approach to implementation, alignment and adoption that works for them, taking account of departmental context and business need. 

The framework also provides us with a better understanding of our function. It provides a basis for building skills, identifying capability gaps and informing the support we provide to people working in finance across government. 

A person at a laptop holding some paper

Skills Capture Tool (SCT)

The SCT marks the next phase of our purposeful evolution of the GFF Career Framework to enhance capability and career development across the GFF. The aim of the SCT is to help facilitate your capability and career development, and support development conversations with your line manager or mentor. It’s been designed for you and is for everyone to use. It gives you an interactive skills focused experience to support your development.

Launched in November 2023, key features for colleagues include:

  • Self-assessment tool through OneFinance, linked to the GFF Career Framework, allowing you to compare the skills you have acquired through your career with the skills expected for your current role and job family as defined by the Career Framework.
  • Tailored areas of focus to enhance your skills aligned with your Job Family skills, experience, and qualifications to help you to shape your career journey planning.
  • Signposted recommended online learning via the Government Finance Academy (GFA) and other resources to help you grow, plan your development journey, and supplement your on-the-job learning.
  • Explore future career opportunities, with suggested role matches and opportunities for you, including links to the Job Family resources.
  • Personalised downloadable dashboard, either CSV Excel or PDF, that can be used to support your development conversations with your line managers and mentors.


Working with the Tax of Centre of Excellence, we have launched a new Job Family with 4 new skills related to Tax. This recognises the variety and breadth of experience of Finance and Tax professionals working across Government. As part of the SCT iterative approach, we have refreshed and updated the tool and now includes 59 skills for you to self-assess. 

Visit the Skills Capture Tool today!

Please email with your feedback, ideas for future iterations or to find out more.


Hear from Cat Little, Head of the Government Finance Function
Hear from Andrew Pattison, Finance Director, Home Office
Andrew Cartner Highlights the Benefits of the Skills Capture Tool
Iain King Discusses the Skills Capture Tool
Skills Capture Tool User Guide