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The Government Risk Profession Learning Suite

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Welcome to the Government Risk Profession’s Learning Suite. If you are new to risk management or the profession, the Government Risk Profession was formally established in 2022 and is working to bring improvement through the Risk Management Strategy and Delivery Plan and beyond.

We all manage risk at different levels so need to ensure that effective risk management is part of the way we operate, so that we are taking good risks in pursuit of opportunity. 

Join our risk community

In addition to the learning suite below, you may wish to sign up to join our community on OneFinance (sign in required) to further explore our resources, including guidance and publications, networks and on demand videos and teach-ins. By joining the risk community, you will also receive the Government Risk Community Communication to help stay up to date with news and updates, and invitations to join the Risk Improvement Group Online webinars to hear experiences of best practice across government. If you have any questions, do reach out to us at

Risk Management Learning Suite for non-risk professionals

Within this learning suite (see footnote) you will find a selection of resources curated by the Government Risk Profession to help support understanding and knowledge of risk management, for non-risk professionals (below SCS) across government. If you have any questions or learning you think would be helpful to include from your profession/ function, please do get in touch with us at

Explore the learning suite

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Footnote | Some links contained within this suite require you to be a member of OneFinance. You do not need to be a member of the Government Finance Function to register, it is open to every public or civil servant, professional or non-professional, all you need is your work email address.